Koko FitClub Now Offers Individual Coaching

Koko FitClubs, in Brookline and West Roxbury, now offer coaching for members that want the added benefits of individual attention and accountability. The Koko Plus premier membership features specially trained Master FitCoaches that mentor clients during their sessions.
“The Koko Smartraining System already has everything any member needs to get fit, but there are some people who want more in the way of additional human interaction, personal coaching and support,” says owner Lena Lemeshov. “Koko Plus is for these members.”
Lemeshov says the program is also for those that may need extra help and accountability for a specific fitness goal with a deadline. Master FitCoaches will review member workouts, guide them through warm-ups and strength training, correct their form and provide tips on each exercise. Coaches will also offer support and guidance on Koko cardio workouts, heart rate statistics, strength training metrics, nutrition plans and lifestyle choices to keep members on track with their goals. “With a Master FitCoach at your side, every movement and every exercise is closely monitored for proper posture, pace and technique for optimal results,” says Lemeshov. “You will be motivated and pushed harder than you would typically push yourself.”
Location: Koko FitClub, 39 Harvard St., Brookline Village and 77 Spring St., (Shaw’s Plaza), West Roxbury. For more information, call 617-566-5656 (Brookline) or 617-325-4800 (West Roxbury) or visit Brookline.KokoFitClub.com or WestRoxbury.KokoFitClub.com.