Workshop to Raise the Vibration of Romantic Relationships

Tina Brigitini, owner of Crystalline Awaken, in Boylston, will present Relationship Vibration from 9 to 11 a.m., October 26. The workshop is designed to increase awareness of how people may unconsciously sabotage great relationship opportunities. The one-hour lecture will be followed by a one-hour energy clearing and aligning.
“This will be a powerful, enlightening meeting to support people’s understanding of energy and desire to progress and improve their life relationships,” says Brigitini. “You don’t need to be in a relationship or bring a significant other to benefit from this opportunity to raise the energy for attracting what supports you.”
Brigitini is a certified clinical hypnotist, enzyme and polarity therapist and energy healing professional. Her presentation will cover such topics as raising the vibration of relationships, communication skills to move it forward and the issues that sabotage couples.
Cost: $50. Location: 36 Nicholas Ave., Boylston. For more information, call 508- 612-7488. Register online at