Naturopathic Doctor Gives Free Talk on ADD/ADHD and Effects of Stress

Dr. Gary Kracoff
Gary Kracoff, a doctor of naturopathic medicine at Johnson Compounding and Wellness, will present a free talk on ADD/ADHD and Stress and Your Adrenals from 7 to 8 p.m., July 23. The event takes place at the center, in Waltham.
In ADD/ADHD: Understanding What is Out of Balance and What You Can Do to Help, Kracoff will explain what might be going on behind ADD/ADHD symptoms and discuss how homeopathic remedies, nutritional support, herbal products and lifestyle changes can be helpful. Speaking on stress and the adrenals, Kracoff will cover how bodies react to short- and long-term stress, how it adversely affects health, and what products, dietary modifications and lifestyle choices can help.
“Stress has been shown to be a major contributor to insomnia, high blood pressure, digestive disorders and hormonal issues,” says Kracoff. “It contributes to many of our common health issues, so I’ll be teaching people how to deal more effectively with daily stresses and how to take care of their bodies.”
Cost: Free. Location: Johnson Compounding and Wellness, 577 Main St., Waltham. For more information or to reserve a seat, call 781-893-3870 or visit