A Shiny Message Of Hope

Timing of the production of this issue on Inspired Living perfectly aligned with our staff attendance at the 25th Annual Sustainable Business Conference, presented by SBNMass.org, at UMass Boston last month. What an uplifting opportunity it was to embrace the energy of more than 90 local business leaders that are paving the way to a more sustainable local economy.
The diverse group ranged from leaders of investment companies and MBA candidates to owners of health clubs, a toy store and a bed and breakfast. They all came together inspired by a common cause—to take actions that will better the lives of all citizens of the Commonwealth and throughout New England.
The extraordinary nature of this annual event is clear. These pioneers are working daily within their businesses to bring about positive changes throughout our local economic landscape. They are people unafraid to stand up for good. Through sharing their stories, needs and news of progress, they are setting wheels in motion to create changes at the grassroots level. These friends and neighbors are proactively expressing their passion for help to measurably improve our daily individual, collective and interconnected lives.
New partnerships and collaborations formed at this year’s event resulted in action plans taking shape in real time. You could virtually feel intended improvements rising on the horizon as mounting enthusiasms propelled the myriad ideas coming forth. Be on the lookout next month for Managing Editor Nancy Somera’s report on initiatives underway by attendees committed to contributing their time, treasure and talent.
I take pleasure in this shiny message of hope, one that firmly believes that anything truly good is possible. Even when we’re not aware of all that’s happening, legions of people here and elsewhere are working tirelessly for the good of all mankind.
I’ve been reflecting on how the value of “going local” is revealed at the most basic level when we consider the dynamics of our own lives. The more time and energy we spend caring for and nurturing ourselves, the better our lives become. Our relationships improve and we become more compassionate and able to invest energy in helping others. It’s the same for local economies everywhere; when we take care of business at home and within our communities, everything else falls naturally into place.
In honor of Father’s Day, June’s Wise Words department features self-help guru and prolific author Wayne Dyer, who shares some lessons he’s learned along the way, hoping that his experiences can help others navigate their own life experiences. In Linda Sechrist’s interview titled “From ‘Why Me?’ to ‘Thank You!”, Dyer tells of how possibilities expand when we forget about ourselves and instead focus on others. When we consistently ask, “How may I serve or what may I do for you?” miracles tend to show up in life.
Wishing you an inspired and miraculous summer!
Maisie Raftery, Publisher