Canine Massage Every Wednesday at Crate Escape

Janice Zazinski, owner of Beloved Companion Animal Massage and Bodywork, is partnering with Crate Escape, in Belmont, to provide canine massage by appointment. The customized, one-hour sessions take place on Wednesday afternoons from noon to 4 p.m.
“Dogs benefit from massage exactly as people do,” says Zazinski. “It’s great for easing muscular stresses and strains at any age, and older dogs with arthritis or other chronic conditions can gain comfort and mobility from regular massage sessions.”
In addition to supporting muscles and joints, massage has a positive effect on all of a dog’s systems, Zazinski notes. “It benefits digestion, the heart and lungs, the lymphatic system and even the skin and coat,” she says. “And perhaps the best news, for owners in particular, is that a regularly massaged dog is usually more relaxed around the house. I always say that if dogs could talk they’d beg for a massage.”
Massage has joined the list of wellness modalities that people can use to keep their animal companions vital and healthy when young, and mobile and comfortable as they age. According to a March 2014 report by the American Pet Products Association, a record $56 billion was spent on pets last year, much of it aimed at enhancing wellness through better nutrition, holistic treatments and regular veterinary care.
Location: Crate Escape, 30 Brighton St., Belmont. For more information, call 617-323-3349 or visit