Teleclass on Prosperous and Passionate Living

Creativity coach and facilitator Kim Childs presents a 10-week teleclass on The Prosperous Heart: Creating a Life of “Enough,” by Julia Cameron, author of the international bestseller, The Artist’s Way. Childs says the class is for anyone who wants to heal their relationship with money, tune into existing abundance and cultivate a richer life. The course will meet via telephone from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday evenings from May 16 through July 25 (except July 4) and focus on prosperity and passionate living as an essentially spiritual matter.
“The book assumes a belief in a higher source of wisdom and resources for manifesting fulfilling lives,” says Childs, who has facilitated creative recovery groups based on The Artist’s Way for more than a decade. “We’ll be closely tracking our finances, mining our lives for the gold that’s already there, and cultivating rich lives as we uncover dreams and passions and begin to pursue them.”
Childs will host a free, introductory teleclass from 7 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, May 9 for anyone who wants to know more about the class. To register visit The fee for the 10-week class is $260.
For more information call 617-640-3813 or visit